Poll Shows Zionist Spirit Falling Further Below Threshold

Minister Yoaz Hendel at a press conference of the Zionist Spirit party in Ramat Gan. (Tomer Neuberg/Flash90)

A new poll by the Midgam research institute showed that had elections been held today, the Likud would win 32 Knesset seats – a drop of one seat from the previous poll.

The poll, conducted by means of iPanel and published on the Meet the Press program, showed that Yesh Atid would win 23 seats, also registering a drop of one seat since the previous poll.

The National Unity party, meanwhile, would remain stable at 12 seats, followed by Religious Zionism with 11 seats.

Shas would rise by one seat, receiving nine seats, while United Torah Judaism would remain stable with seven seats.

According to this poll, Meretz would rise to six Knesset seats, and four parties would win five seats each: the Joint Arab List, Yisrael Beytenu, Labor and the United Arab List (Ra’am).

Zionist Spirit would not pass the electoral threshold, receiving just 1.1% of the vote – half of what it received in the last poll.

Divided into blocs, the Likud-led bloc would win 59 Knesset seats, while the opposing bloc would win 56, and the Joint Arab List, which joins no government, would win the remaining five seats.

When asked about Otzma Yehudit chief MK Itamar Ben-Gvir, 53% of respondents said that they do not want to see Ben-Gvir as part of the government, while 31% said they would like to see him in the government.

However, when the question was asked of those who vote for the Likud-led bloc, 59% said they would like to see Ben-Gvir appointed as minister, while just 21% said they would not like for him to be a minister.

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