Yeshivas Bais Dovid Embarks on Eye-Opening Journey to Egypt

The group in front of an Egyptian pyramid.

This past week, a group of bachurim from Yeshivas Bais Dovid in Yerushalayim embarked on an exclusive, eye-opening roots journey to Egypt. In the course of the trip, the bachurim visited many famous sites and followed the road of exile traversed by our ancestors before they merited redemption by Hashem’s mighty Hand.

Yeshivas Bais Dovid, under the leadership of the Rosh Yeshivah Harav Avraham Weisenfeld, offers an exciting trip every year as an incentive to bachurim who invest extra effort in their learning and excel in hasmadah. Over the years, the yeshivah and its bachurim have traveled to Poland, where they visited kivrei tzaddikim, and other historic and Jewish sites.

At the beginning of the winter zman, the yeshivah announced that bachurim who maintain their sedarim through the zman would join an eye-opening journey to Egypt. In the course of the journey, the Rosh Yeshivah delivered many inspirational shmuessen while indicating sites of unmatched historical significance.

Bachurim privileged to join this enthralling trip were those who had invested extra effort and hasmadah in their learning throughout the months of the winter zman. Community influencers in the yeshivah world who visited Yeshivas Bais Dovid in the past few months inevitably marveled at the intensity of the atmosphere prevailing in the beis medrash.

Yeshivas Beis Dovid is geared to American bachurim who are growing in Torah and Yiddishkeit. The yeshivah has garnered outstanding support and approbation of Gedolei Hador, shlit”a, for providing hundreds of bachurim who are vacillating between two worlds with a warm, positive environment where they can learn, strive and soar in Yiddishkeit.

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