Rabbi Deri’s Plan for Poorer Families Approved: NIS 700M in Food Vouchers

Shas leader Rabbi Aryeh Deri. (Olivier Fitoussi/FLASH90)

Shas leader Minister Rabbi Aryeh Deri convened a party meeting in the Shas faction’s room in the Knesset on Wednesday, and welcomed the passage in the Knesset of his initiative to add support to the poorer sections as part of the government’s economic plan during the coronavirus crisis.

As per his plan, every family entitled to a property tax discount of over 70% and who will meet the other eligibility criteria, is to receive special vouchers for food.

“Although I asked for more, but NIS 700 million ($200 million) will also be a big help,” he said. “For about 150,000 needy families, it’s very significant aid.”

“From today on,” said Rabbi Deri, “I believe that any plan that anyone in government submits will have to understand that it is impossible to skip the population with larger families. We continue the legacy of the late Harav Ovadia Yosef, zt”l, to ensure the Jewish character of the State and to tend to the needs of the weak families.” It is in a committee in the Knesset. ”

Rabbi Deri explained that the plan would not include a monetary grant. “I insisted that this plan be a way to purchase food and with giving coupons, and not money, the families will only be able to purchase food and other necessities.”


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