Slight Improvement in Condition of 11-Year-Old Coronavirus Patient

Medical staff at the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa. (Moshe Shai/Flash90, File)

Hadas Biton, the 11-year-old girl who was hospitalized after testing positive for the coronavirus is in slightly better but still serious condition, the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa reported Tuesday.

Hadas and her family had been quarantined in the Kinar Galilee coronavirus hotel, from where she was taken last Friday to the Poriya Hospital in Teveria with severe symptoms. The girl’s condition deteriorated Monday night and she was transferred to the Rambam Medical Center. To date, Hadas is the youngest coronavirus patient in Israel to require a respirator. She was put into a coma and is still hooked up to a ventilator, but was moved from the negative pressure room to the increased treatment room and has tested negative twice for the virus.

“We saw that there was a deterioration in her heart’s condition. Her breathing was fine, but because of the decline in the heart’s function they decided to put her on a ventilator so that there would be no crashes in the other systems. Hadas is very afflicted and I and my wife are away from her. We’re just broken,” said Hadas’ father, Eliyahu Biton, adding: “It’s a very difficult feeling, but at the same time, with all the pain, ‘Though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I will feel no evil, for You [Hashem] are with me.’ You are really, really close to the Creator of the world and you receive powers of hope and faith, and, b’ezrat Hashem, she will recover.”

Readers are asked to daven for the refuah of Hadas bas Orah b’soch she’ar cholei Yisrael.

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