2 Wounded in Terrorist Shooting Near Karnei Shomron

By Yoni Weiss

The scene of the shooting attack on Route 55, Sunday. (Magen David Adom)

Two Israelis were wounded in a terror attack Sunday morning when gunshots were fired at a bus on Road 55 near the Nabi Ilyas junction, near Karnei Shomron.

The IDF responded to reports of the shooting, dispatching forces to the scene. Army Radio indicated that the terrorist had fled the area and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were deployed to assist in the pursuit.

According to Magen David Adom (MDA), a 19-year-old woman sustained serious wounds while a 50-year-old man was moderately wounded in the attack.

MDA paramedic Assaf Ilkashi provided details of the scene: “We arrived in large numbers and found the casualty on the bus, fully conscious with a gunshot wound to her shoulder. We administered lifesaving treatment and evacuated her to the hospital in serious condition.”

Yossi Dagan, head of the Shomron Regional Council, voiced his concerns upon reaching the scene, emphasizing that an attack on a major road in Israel’s central location should not occur. He called for the immediate closure of all security checkpoints and an escalation of offensive measures against the Palestinian Authority, whether Hamas or Fatah were responsible for the attack.

Yonatan Kuznitz, head of the Karnei Shomron Council, echoed Dagan’s sentiments, emphasizing the need to restrict Palestinian traffic and enhance security measures in the region to prevent future attacks.

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