Suspect Arrested, Gun Found in Midwood Robbery

By Reuvain Borchardt and Matis Glenn

One of the suspects under arrest. (Reuvain Borchardt/Hamodia)

Shomrim apprehended one of two men who allegedly stole valuables from a parked car in Midwood Monday morning.

The victim had left his car to enter a store on Nostrand Avenue at Avenue J, and the suspects, who were driving a black SUV, seized the opportunity to enter the victim’s car and steal a wallet containing cash and cards. The victim saw what had happened, began chasing the suspects, who had driven off, and called Shomrim.

On Avenue I, the thieves turned into East 27th Street — and only then realized it was a dead end. They abandoned their vehicle and fled on foot.

Shomrim chased the suspects. One fled into a building on Nostrand Avenue between Avenues J and K, and he has not yet been apprehended.

Shomrim apprehended the second suspect on E. 29th Street, and police arrived to arrest him. The victim pleaded with the suspect to let him know the whereabouts of his wallet, offering not to press charges. But the suspect did not reveal anything.

Police later found the keys to the suspects’ vehicle in a puddle under a car near where the suspect was arrested. In the same puddle, police found a .22 caliber handgun.

Law-enforcement sources told Hamodia the suspect has multiple prior arrests.

The victim’s debit card and empty wallet were recovered by police after a search of the suspects’ vehicle, but cash and other cards were missing.

After police towed the suspects’ vehicle and ran the license plate, it was discovered that it had been the same car driven by thieves who had stolen a different car in Boro Park earlier in the day. The car stolen in Boro Park has not yet been recovered.

Footage of the suspects abandoning their vehicle on chase on E. 27th Street near the dead end.
(Reuvain Borchardt/Hamodia)
Keys to the suspects’ vehicle and the gun recovered by police. (Reuvain Borchardt/Hamodia)
The suspects’ vehicle. (Reuvain Borchardt/Hamodia)

Photos by Reuvain Borchardt/Hamodia

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