Foreign Ministry Unveils Graphic Testimonies and Images of Hamas Attack Victims

View of the destruction caused by Hamas terrorists in Kibbutz Kfar Aza, near the Gaza border, as seen Sunday. (Edi Israel/Flash90)

In a move aimed at conveying the gruesome realities of the Hamas attack on southern Israel that occurred last Shabbos, the Foreign Ministry’s digital division has released a series of extremely distressing videos. These graphic and horrifying videos are intended for the international audience on social media.

The footage features harrowing images of some of the victims of the Hamas massacre. Doctors from the Health Ministry’s Clinical Forensics Unit, with teary eyes and choked voices, explain the horrific manner in which these individuals met their tragic fate. The content has been released in English and Spanish.

The Foreign Ministry’s digital division head, David Saranga, spent considerable time at the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute, engaging in heartfelt conversations with the institute’s head, Dr. Chen Kugel, and his team. The emotional toll on these dedicated professionals was evident as they described their heart-wrenching work in the mortuaries over the past week.

One video features Dr. Ricardo Nachman, a forensic expert, who expresses, “I’ve never seen anything like this in my life, in all 28 years of working as a specialist in forensic science.” In another video, Dr. Kugel is unable to contain his emotions as he says, “This is just one example of the countless horrifying atrocities. I’ve been in this field for 31 years, and I’m used to seeing such things, but I have never seen anything like this.” His description is brief, as he breaks down, unable to continue speaking.

This unconventional collaboration aims to counter the doubters and deniers who, via social media, question or deny the horrific events and victims in southern Israel. Saranga highlights the importance of these testimonies becoming a part of the international community, emphasizing their potential to debunk the false narratives circulated on social media and other media platforms. The primary goal is to provide international legitimacy to the actions undertaken by the IDF against Hamas.

Dr. Nurit Bublil, head of the DNA processing unit, provided another distressing testimony, stating, “We’re used to seeing cases of traffic and train accidents, but nothing prepared us for this.” Dr. Bublil, with tears in her eyes, explained the grueling work they have undertaken to provide the victims with the names and respect they rightfully deserve. The victims had faced terrorists armed with knives, stones, and weapons, and the forensic team has worked tirelessly, processing DNA data around the clock since the onset of the tragic events.

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