Eighteen Year Old Yeshiva Bachur Drowns in Golan Lake

By Hamodia Staff

The body of an eighteen-year-old yeshiva bachur who lost contact with his friends while swimming in Lake Ma’ale HaShahar in the Golan Heights was recovered by divers from the firefighting unit, B’chadrei Chareidim reported.

Yishai Keinan, a talmid of Yeshiva Teferet Levi in Elad and a resident of Pisgat Ze’ev in Yerushalayim, was spending time during bein hazemanim near Highway 92 in Ma’ale Gamla in the west of the Golan Heights.

It was reported that Yishai was in distress in the water, and fire and rescue teams from the Galil Golan station, the special rescue unit from the Central Galilee station led by divers from the “Lahva” unit discovered his body in the water of the reservoir near Gamla.

When the MDA paramedic and emergency medicine medics arrived, they were told by Yishai’s friends that they feared for his life when he disappeared in the water. Divers from the special firefighting rescue unit entered the water to search, and he was unconscious and without a pulse when they pulled him out of the water.

The niftar was just two days short of his eighteenth birthday.

Yehi zichro baruch.

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