BD’E – Harav Abba Bronspigel, Zt”l

Hamodia is saddened to report the petirah of Harav Abba Bronspiegel, zt”l, who was niftar on Shabbos. He was eighty three years old.

Rav Bronspigel was born in Deblin, at city near Lublin, Poland, at the outbreak of WWII. The family narrowly escaped the Holocaust, and when they arrived in New York, he entered Yeshiva Rabeinu Yitzchak Elchanan (RIETS) where he became a close and devoted talmid of Harav Yerucham Gorelik and Harav Yosef Dov Soloveichik, zichronam levrachah.

In time, he was appointed as a magid shiur in RIETS, and eventually became the founding Rosh Yeshiva in Beis Medrash L’Talmud (Lander’s College for Men) in Kew Garden Hills. Over the decades he had hundreds of talmidim which he inspired through his masterful shiurim and his yiras Shamayim.

In 1979, Rav Bronspigel published Bikurei Abba, a compilation of his chiddushim on Seder Zeraim.

For several years, he maintained a shul in Boro Park at 19th Avenue and 47th Street named Zichron Yehuda V’Chana after his parents, and later opened a shul in Rockland County. During the past few years, as his health deteriorated, he moved to Lakewood to be with his family.

Yehi zichro baruch

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