Israeli Security Forces Kill Three Terrorists After Several-Week Manhunt

People inspect the scene where three Palestinian terrorists were killed by Israeli forces, in Shechem on Tuesday. (REUTERS/Mohamad Torokman)

Israeli security forces killed three Palestinian terrorists traveling in a vehicle near Shechem on Tuesday after a several-week manhunt.

The Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed three Palestinians had been killed in the incident. A Palestinian source said the men belonged to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist group. The Shin Bet security service described the men as a “terrorist squad” that had carried out shooting attacks against Israeli soldiers and civilians in the area over the past few weeks.

No Israelis were killed or wounded in the shooting, baruch Hashem.

Later on Tuesday, a mass funeral with thousands of Palestinians was held Shechem.

Participants chanted “Revenge! Revenge!” and carried yellow Fatah flags and green Hamas in the procession.

Over 80 bullets were fired at the vehicle in which the three Palestinians were sitting, according to Palestinian reports. The Palestinian Authority’s Council of Ministers called for the formation of an international investigative committee into what they called the “horrific crime” committed in the operation, The Jerusalem Post reported.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said that “The Yamam, Shin Bet, IDF – our forces proved today, once again, that there is no immunity for terrorists. Whoever harms us, will be targeted.”

According to a senior Israeli security official, the operation will continue, as it is believed that at least one other terrorist from the cell is still alive.

Recent weeks have seen a number of stabbing and shooting attacks by Palestinians in Yehudah and Shomron. An Israeli was killed in a drive-by shooting in December.

On Shabbos, several terrorists opened fire on Israeli troops patrolling in the Shomron. The IDF said the incident was a drive-by shooting.

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