Liberman Blames High Cost of Living on Chareidi Community

The Mir Brachfeld yeshivah in Modi’in Illit. (Aharon Krohn/Flash90)

After his government, and notably his ministry, caused the raises in prices and with it an uproar across Israeli society, Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman on Monday found who to blame on the rise in the cost of living – the chareidi community.

“The fact that 50% of the chareidi community does not participate in the workforce is a central reason for the cost of living,” Liberman claimed, without any proof to either the number of those who don’t work or their effect on the market.

MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni (United Torah Judaism) responded, saying, “The harsh statements about the cost of living made by Liberman are not even worthy of our response. His words should be sent in a wheelbarrow to the nearest garbage dump.”

Shas leader Rabbi Aryeh Deri responded to Liberman: “In the 1930s in Germany, the Jews were blamed for the economy failing, today the chareidim are being blamed… It is an attempt by a person under pressure to incite against the chareidi public.”

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