1 Person Dead in Bronx Building Collapse After Gas Explosion

NEW YORK (New York Daily News/TNS/Hamodia) —
bronx fire
(Luiz Ribeiro/New York Daily News/TNS)

A gas explosion in the Bronx sparked a massive fire and building collapse Tuesday, killing one resident, police said.

The fireball destroyed a three-story home on Fox Street near Intervale Avenue in Longwood after igniting about 10:50 a.m.

The deceased has been identified as Martha Dagbasta, 77. Two other victims — an 82-year-old woman and a 68-year-old woman — were hospitalized in stable condition

Five police officers were hospitalized with smoke inhalation after working to rescue residents.

The blast is believed to have been triggered by a gas explosion, according to police sources and local elected officials.

As firefighters began putting water on the fire, the building started to collapse, with the front facade falling onto a SUV parked outside. The fire also extended to a neighboring home.

bronx fire
(Luiz C. Ribeiro/New York Daily News/TNS)


Firefighters were ordered to back out of the building to douse the fire from outside.

Con Edison was called to the scene to help figure out how the explosion occurred.

“Just received word that Con Edison will be shutting down the gas in the immediate area along Fox Street between Intervale Ave & Tiffany Street,”Councilman Rafael Salamanca tweeted. “With temperatures dropping, we will continue to monitor to ensure a restoration of gas once it is safe to do so.”

More than 100 firefighters, Emergency Medical Technicians and paramedics responded to the scene.

The blast comes nine days after lethal smoke from a Bronx apartment building fire killed 17 people, the deadliest city fire in decades. That blaze was sparked by a faulty space heater and the smoke spread throughout the building after two self-closing doors failed to function properly.

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