Fire Sets at Least 16 Boats Ablaze in Hong Kong

Fire service boats spray water at boats docked at Aberdeen South Typhoon Shelter in Hong Kong Sunday. (TVB via AP)

A fire engulfed 16 vessels in a Hong Kong typhoon shelter early Sunday, resulting in at least 10 boats sinking and one person sent to a hospital.

The fire broke out at about 2:30 a.m. at the Aberdeen South typhoon shelter in Hong Kong, and was extinguished more than six hours later.

Firefighters rescued 35 people from vessels during the fire, according to public broadcaster RTHK.

There were no reports of any injuries, although one person who felt unwell was sent to the hospital.

The fire services department used 11 fire boat monitors, eight jets, and mobilized four breathing apparatus teams to fight the blaze, according to a statement.

It wasn’t immediately clear what caused the fire.

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