NYPD Chief Chides Union for Contract ‘Gamble’


Police Commissioner William Bratton said the head of New York City’s rank-and-file police union “rolled the dice and lost” in negotiating for a new contract.

The Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, which has been working without a contract since 2010, rejected a city offer last year and agreed to arbitration. But a draft agreement released last week only gave officers retroactive raises of 1 percent for the last two years.

The head of the union, Patrick Lynch, condemned the proposal. He led nearly 1,000 officers — including a few who held a fake coffin — to protest outside the arbiter’s Manhattan home last week. He is planning to gather officers at Mayor de Blasio’s home at Thursday for additional protests.

“Feel free to bring any friends and family who can help us send a strong message to both Edelman and Mayor de Blasio that New York City police officers deserve better,” the PBA’s announcement said.

Bratton on Monday argued that morale in the department was largely still high. De Blasio, who has had tense relations with the union, has avoided comment.

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