Together We Can Fight
Government Takeover of Yeshivas

By State Senator Robert Ortt

The machinery of Democratic one-party rule in Albany has sunk to a new low, staging a takeover of yeshivas in New York. Using the camouflage of “curriculum equivalency,” the New York State Education Department wants to say how the children of Torah families are taught, who teaches them, and in what language.

Why is Albany so harshly enforcing regulations that have been on the books since 1895? Why now? Because they can. Democrats control all levels of state government. The young radicals that have captured the Democratic Party refuse to listen to the remaining few older voices who suggest moderation, and used to be counted on to provide history lessons as to why Hasidic yeshivas — which provide rigorous education — have been left alone.

The radicals controlling the Democratic Party and their internet mob fear the growth of Hasidic communities because they disagree with how they center faith and Torah in their communities, disagree with how they vote to support their interests, and disagree with the imperative Hasidim place on staying separate from the secular world.

What’s at stake for yeshivas? Everything.

New regulations empower disgruntled former community members, politicians, unions representing secular teachers — anyone, really — to file official complaints against Hasidic yeshivas.

New regulations force yeshivas and public schools to be enemies by cutting all school funding — to public schools too — in areas where yeshivas fight this power grab.

Supported by their liberal enablers at The New York Times, the Democratic Party now insists that the public money yeshivas do receive — for meals, after-school care, learning materials — is stolen money.
What can be done?

Elect Republicans to state offices. Elect Republicans to the State Senate, where I serve. Elect Republicans to the State Assembly. We need to elect Republican Lee Zeldin, who is Jewish, to be our next Governor.
Let me be clear about what we stand for. New York Republicans respect the rights of parents to choose how and where to educate their children. We support school choice, and when elected to office we will reverse this unjust takeover of religious education by Democrats and their extremist allies.
New York Republicans have core values that align with Torah values.

We must be aware of those who would excuse away and apologize for Democrats. We must be aware of those who would confuse the issue for their own gain.

We must remember in November, on Election Day, that we need to vote for Republicans who stand up for yeshivas and aren’t afraid of faith being part of our education and society.
We are Republican leaders who know and respect Joseph, and who will never forget.

Senator Robert Ortt is the Republican Leader of the New York State Senate.

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