This Day in History 23 Iyar/May 3

23 Iyar

In 2450/1311 B.C.E., the Jews arrived in Refidim. Moshe Rabbeinu struck the rock to provide water for the people.

In 3619/142 B.C.E., Shimon the Chashmona’i expelled the Bnei Chakra from Yerushalayim. The Chakra ([Greek] akra = fortress) was the fortress of Yerushalayim, and it was occupied by the Greek garrison. When Yehudah ha’Makabi captured Yerushalayim, he was unable to capture the Akra, and its occupiers exerted a constant threat against the inhabitants of Yerushalayim. Only in the days of Shimon Hachashmona’i was the Akra captured. The date was observed as a Yom Tov, as mentioned in Megillas Taanis. (See Megillas Taanis printed in the Steinzaltz Shas.)

In 4856/1096, the Crusaders attacked the Jewish community of Vermeize (Worms). Almost the entire Jewish community hid in the home of a nobleman. Since they perished al kiddush Hashem, even though their actual demise took place on Rosh Chodesh Sivan, this date is considered the beginning of their slaughter.

The community observed a taanis in memory of the victims, Hy”d, and the Shabbos between the two dates was called Shvartze Shabbos (Black Shabbos). The minhagim of Shabbos Chazon were adopted for that Shabbos.

A special kinah that begins “Mi yiten roshi mayim” is recited on Tishah B’Av commemorating the victims of the Vermeize community.



Harav Moshe Yehoshua Heschel, zt”l, Rav of Dinov

Harav Yehoshua Heschel was the son of Harav Aryeh Leib. The name Moshe was added later, presumably due to an illness.

Reb Moshe Yehoshua Heshel was the talmid of Harav Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev and Harav Moshe Leib of Sassov.

He was admired by the Rebbes of his generation. Among his chassidim were Harav Tzvi Hirsh of Ziditchov and Harav Tzvi Elimelech of Dinov, who attested that Eliyahu Hanavi would frequent Reb Moshe Yehoshua Heschel, and that he was a baal ruach hakodesh.

Reb Moshe Yehoshua Heschel served as Av Beis Din of Dinov for many years, from approximately 5550/1790 until 5570/1810. In 5566/1806, Harav Tzvi Elimelech of Dinov, the Bnei Yissaschar, served as one of the Dayanim on the beis din.

Reb Moshe Yehoshua Heschel was niftar on 23 Iyar 5573/1813.

Zecher tzaddik livrachah.


The topping ceremonies taking place atop the Sears Tower to mark the building reaching 1,454 feet in Chicago, Ill., on May 3, 1973. (AP Photo)
The topping ceremonies taking place atop the Sears Tower to mark the building reaching 1,454 feet in Chicago, Ill., on May 3, 1973. (AP Photo)

May 3

In 1791, Poland adopted a national constitution.

In 1802, Washington, D.C., was incorporated as a city.

In 1913, Clorox had its beginnings as five entrepreneurs agreed to set up a liquid bleach factory in Oakland, Calif.

In 1916, Irish nationalist Padraic Pearse and two others were executed by the British for their roles in the Easter Rising.

In 1948, the Supreme Court ruled that covenants prohibiting the sale of real estate to blacks or members of other racial groups were legally unenforceable.

In 1973, Chicago’s 110-story Sears Tower (now the Willis Tower) was topped out after two years of construction, becoming the world’s tallest building for the next 25 years.

In 1979, Conservative Party leader Margaret Thatcher was chosen to become Britain’s first female prime minister as the Tories ousted the incumbent Labor government in parliamentary elections.

In 1986, in NASA’s first post-Challenger launch, an unmanned Delta rocket lost power in its main engine shortly after liftoff, forcing safety officers to destroy it by remote control.

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