This Day in History – 13 Sivan/May 22

13 Sivan

In 5001/1241, the first pogrom in Frankfurt-am-Main took place. An incited mob destroyed the Jewish Quarter and massacred most of its Jews al kiddush Hashem. Hy”d.

In 5289/1529, 30 Jews of Posing, Hungary, were charged in a blood libel and burned al kiddush Hashem. Hy”d.


5438/1678, Harav Ephraim Hakohen Katz of Vilna, zt”l, mechaber of Shaar Ephraim

5672/1912, Harav Shraga Yair Rabinowitz of Biala’varzig, zt”l, son of Harav Nosson Dovid of Shidlovitza and mechaber of Aron Eidus

5704/1944, Harav Yitzchak Eizek of Spinka, the Chakal Yitzchak, Hy”d

5743/1983, Harav Yaakov Mutzafi, zt”l

5749/1989, Harav Rafael Yonah Tikotinsky, zt”l, Rosh Yeshivah, Yerucham



Harav Yaakov Meir Biderman, zt”l, Rav of Warsaw and son-in-law of the Sfas Emes, zt”l

Harav Yaakov Meir Biderman was born on Rosh Hashanah 5630/1869. His father was Harav Nosson Shlomo Betzalel, Rav of Loivitch. He was a descendant of many leading Gedolim, among them the Shach and the Pnei Yehoshua.

As a young child he was known for his outstanding learning capabilities and diligence. He was chosen by the Sfas Emes as a chassan for his oldest daughter. After the shidduch, the Sfas Emes remarked that usually with a shidduch people are particular about three issues: the quality of the bachur, the family, and money. This chassan has the first two qualities, just money he doesn’t have, and on money one can give way…

The wedding was held in Ger, where Reb Yaakov Meir resided near his father-in-law. The Sfas Emes held Reb Yaakov Meir in high esteem, even quoting him several times in his Sfas Emes on Shas. Reb Yaakov Meir nevertheless conducted himself humbly, dedicating himself solely to learning.

During World War I Reb Yaakov Meir moved to Warsaw and remained there even after the war ended.

After the petirah of his father, the kehillah of Loivitch asked Reb Yaakov Meir to replace him as Rav but he refused.

In Warsaw, Reb Yaakov Meir arranged the Sfas Emes al HaShas for publication, adding his own notes.

Only later in his life, in 5695/1935, at the age of 65, was Reb Yaakov Meir willing to assume the position of Rav in Warsaw.

Reb Yaakov Meir was niftar in Warsaw on 13 Sivan 5701/1941 at the age of 71, and he was buried in that city. His sons Harav Yitzchak David and Harav Yehudah Aryeh were appointed Rabbanim in Warsaw after his petirah.

His other son was Harav Avraham Mordechai.

Reb Yaakov Meir’s daughter, Rebbetzin Feiga Mintcha, married her uncle the Imrei Emes, in his zivug sheini. Their son was the Pnei Menachem.

His other daughters were Chayah Sarah, the first Rebbetzin of the Beis Yisrael; Mindel, the first wife of Harav Pinchas Yaakov Levin; Hadassah Brachah, the wife of Harav Yehudah Rottenberg; and another daughter, who was killed in childhood.

Reb Yaakov Meir’s Rebbetzin, Esther, was killed al Kiddush Hashem on Rosh Hashanah 5703/1942, as were many other family members. Hashem yinkom damam.

Of all his descendants, only one daughter, Rebbetzin Feiga Mintche, and her son, the Pnei Menachem, survived.

Many of Reb Yaakov Meir’s chiddushim were published under the name Maor Yaakov, by his grandson the Pnei Menachem.

Zecher tzaddik livrachah.


May 22

In 1860, the United States and Japan exchanged ratifications of the Treaty of Amity and Commerce during a ceremony in Washington..

In 1913, the American Cancer Society was founded in New York by a group of doctors and business leaders under its original name, the American Society for the Control of Cancer.

In 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt appeared before Congress to explain his decision to veto a bill that would have allowed World War I veterans to cash in bonus certificates before their 1945 due date.

In 1939, the foreign ministers of Germany and Italy, Joachim von Ribbentrop and Galeazzo Ciano, signed a “Pact of Steel” committing the two countries to a military alliance.

In 1947, the Truman Doctrine was enacted as Congress appropriated military and economic aid for Greece and Turkey.

In 1960, an earthquake of magnitude 9.5, the strongest ever measured, struck southern Chile, claiming some 1,655 lives.

In 1963, Greek politician Grigoris Lambrakis was attacked by right-wingers after delivering a speech in Thessaloniki; he died five days later.

In 1968, the nuclear-powered submarine USS Scorpion, with 99 men aboard, sank in the Atlantic Ocean. (The remains of the sub were later found on the ocean floor 400 miles southwest of the Azores.)

In 1969, the lunar module of Apollo 10, with Thomas P. Stafford and Eugene Cernan aboard, flew to within nine miles of the moon’s surface in a dress rehearsal for the first lunar landing.

In 1972, President Richard Nixon began a visit to the Soviet Union during which he and Kremlin leaders signed the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.

The island nation of Ceylon became the Republic of Sri Lanka.

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