Four Terrorists Killed in Overnight Raid

By Yoni Weiss

Israeli military leaves a house in the Palestinians Al Fara’a refugee camp following an Israeli military raid, Monday. (AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed)

Four terrorists were eliminated during an overnight raid on Monday conducted by IDF and Border Police special forces in Kafr Ni’man, near Ramallah. The operation aimed to arrest a member of a terror squad that had attempted an attack on the Sde Efraim farm, east of Modi’in Illit, between Yerushalayim and Tel Aviv. The targeted terrorist was among those killed.

During the operation, a police special forces officer sustained a minor leg injury and received medical treatment.

Security forces surrounded the compound where the suspects were hiding. As they closed in, the targeted terrorist and three others attempted to flee in a vehicle, even trying to run over undercover agents. The forces responded by opening fire, killing all four terrorists.

A search of the vehicle revealed a Carlo-type weapon, a vest, and explosive charges.

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