Sirens Sound Again in Israel’s North

A house hit by a missile fired from Lebanon in Kibbutz Malkia, on the Israeli border with Lebanon, Sunday. (Ayal Margolin/Flash90)

Sirens rang out across several cities in northern Israel on Monday after the IDF intercepted an airborne target that infiltrated from Lebanon amidst the ongoing Gaza war, now in its 248th day.

The alarms blared in the coastal cities of Acre, with the blasts heard in the Haifa region as missiles were fired to eliminate the airborne threat. According to the IDF, the incident concluded successfully and the interception triggered concerns over potential falling debris, activating the rocket alert systems in those areas as a precaution.

According to reports, multiple interceptions took place in the Acre and Haifa vicinity, with residents reporting hearing several explosions. Emergency services reported only one minor injury, a woman who was hurt while seeking shelter.

Meanwhile, Arab sources claimed IDF forces were engaged in overnight operations in Palestinian refugee camps in the Shomron, marked by exchanges of fire and an explosive attack on an IDF bulldozer.

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