Netanyahu Meets With Blinken in Israel

By Hamodia Staff


Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met with U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken Monday evening as part of a mission to several Middle Eastern countries involved in negotiations between Israel and the Hamas terror group.

Monday’s meeting follows the miraculous rescue of four Israeli hostages over the weekend; Israel is facing criticism over an unspecified number of Palestinian civilians who were killed during the operation, along with over a hundred Hamas terrorists.

Blinken met earlier Sunday with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi in Cairo, but neither made public remarks. Blinken will also travel to Jordan and Qatar.

Netanyahu and Blinken were joined by the Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer, head of National Security Council Tzachi Hanegbi and the adviser to the Secretary of State Derek Collett.

On the American side, Assistant Secretary of State for Israel Barbara Leaf, Special Envoy for Humanitarian Affairs in Israel Lisa Grande and Deputy US Ambassador to Israel Stephanie Hallett participated in the meeting.

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