Israeli-Arab Arrested for Posing as Soldier and Claiming IDF Kills Palestinian Children

By Yoni Weiss

An Israeli-Arab man who posed as a soldier and falsely claimed in a social media interview that Israeli troops deliberately kill Palestinian women and children daily in Gaza was arrested, Israel Police announced on Wednesday morning.

The suspect, a 19-year-old resident of Abu Ghosh near Yerushalayim, gave the interview in English on a widely viewed social network. The police have been closely monitoring social media for incitement since Oct. 7.

In the video, the man, wearing a jacket with an Israeli flag on the sleeve, claimed, “We kill everybody,” nodding affirmatively when asked if this included children and even babies.

Investigators revealed that the man was not actually a soldier. It remains unclear whether the interviewer knew that the person being interviewed was an impostor.

The police released a portion of the video and continue to investigate the broader context of online incitement, including content linked to the Palestinian Authority and local Palestinian clergy.

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