Report: Israel Seeks to Avoid Iranian Retaliation for Syria Embassy Attack

By Yoni Weiss

Emergency services work at a building hit by an airstrike in Damascus, Syria, April 1. (AP Photo/Omar Sanadiki)

Israel has sent messages to Tehran via Egypt, indicating its willingness to “compromise” in Gaza to avert an Iranian response to an attack on Iran’s Embassy in Syria, according to a report by the Tasnim news agency. The Iranian news agency cited the head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Aerospace Force, Amirali Hajizadeh.

In April, Iran launched explosive drones and fired missiles at Israel in its first direct attack on Israeli territory. This was a retaliatory strike for what Iran claimed was an Israeli attack on its Damascus Consulate, which resulted in the deaths of seven officers from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Hajizadeh stated, “Israel sent messages through Egypt’s foreign minister that it will compromise in the war in Gaza to avoid Iran’s retaliation.”

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