Man Pretending to Look For Work on Street Arrested for Assaulting and Carjacking Boro Park Resident

By Matis Glenn

A suspect being arrested for allegedly assaulting a Boro Park man and stealing his car.

A man who appeared to have been looking for work among a group of other men choked a Boro Park resident before stealing his car, and was arrested Wednesday afternoon shortly after the crime had taken place.

The victim had rolled down his window and offered a job to the group of men, who had congregated at 65th Street and 15th Avenue, at around 1:30 p.m. One of the men approached the car and entered the passenger seat, saying he wanted to work.

However, he proceeded to choke the driver and force him to stop the car and exit the vehicle. The perpetrator then made off with the car. The victim was not hospitalized.

Shomrim were called, and members were immediately dispatched. One volunteer who was on his way to the scene of the carjacking noticed a car driving very fast on 16th Avenue near 53th Street, shortly before it crashed into three other cars. The driver of the speeding car then exited and left the scene.

The Shomrim member recognized that the crashed vehicle matched the description of the carjacking. After calling NYPD, police arrested the suspect at 53 Street and 16 Avenue.

Sources tell Hamodia that the suspect was found to be intoxicated after being arrested.

A member of Hatzalah, which operates a garage nearby, was a few feet away from the crash and checked on people in the cars that were hit. No injuries were reported.

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