Cabinet Rejects Appeal, Paving Way for Revival of Draft Bill From Previous Knesset

By Hamodia Staff

The IDF recruitment office in Yerushalayim. (Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

The cabinet on Monday rejected an appeal by MK Chili Tropper against advancing a bill that would have lowered the age of exemption from military service for yeshivah students. This decision paves the way for the Knesset to revive the 2022 legislation.

Earlier this month, after failing to come to an agreement with his coalition partners, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced that he would revive the bill which passed in the previous government.

The lower army exemption age would have meant that yeshivah students wishing not to serve could leave full-time learning at a younger age.

Netanyahu’s move was criticized by both Minister Benny Gantz, who initially promoted the bill while serving as defense minister, and current Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. Gallant stated that he would block any draft law “brought unilaterally by some of the coalition factions.”

While promoting the bill two years ago, Gantz insisted that it needed to be accompanied by efforts to extend the national service requirement to both chareidi and Arab Israelis.

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