Rocket Alert Sirens Sound Across Central Israel; Hamas Claims Responsibility

By Yoni Weiss

An Iron Dome anti-missile system fires interception missiles at rockets fired from the Gaza Strip toward central Israel, as seen from Tel Aviv, Dec. 8, 2023. (Tomer Neuberg/Flash90)

Rocket alert sirens sounded throughout the center of Israel and the Sharon region on Sunday afternoon, activating alerts in Tel Aviv, Hod Hasharon, Petach Tikva, Ra’anana, Herzliya, and other localities.

Shortly afterward, Hamas claimed responsibility, announcing, “We fired a large barrage at Tel Aviv in response to the Zionist massacres of civilians.” This marks the first time in four months that rockets have been fired in the area.

One person has been reported slightly injured from falling shrapnel in Herzliya.

Following the rocket fire, explosions were heard in the center of the country, and residents reported “panic and loud booms.” Iron Dome missiles successfully intercepted some of the rockets, which were launched from the Gaza Strip, apparently from Rafah, from a launcher located less than a kilometer from where IDF forces are operating.

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