Hezbollah Intensifies Attacks After Lull in Barrages

The fires alongside Route 90, close to Chatzor Haglilit.

The Hezbollah terror group has taken credit for the latest rocket attack on Kiryat Shmona and Beit Hillel, claiming to have fired dozens of Katyusha and Falaq rockets at an army position. Israel has confirmed identifying five rocket launches. Hezbollah stated that the attack was in retaliation for an Israeli strike earlier in the day that killed a member of the Iran-backed group responsible for weapon manufacturing.

Several fires have been reported as a result of the rocket strikes, particularly in Beit Hillel and Kiryat Shmona. Since the early afternoon Thursday, Hezbollah has intensified its assault, launching drones and rockets toward northern Israel. Sirens have been triggered in numerous Upper Galilee communities, including Eilat HaShahar, Sde Eliezer, Metula, Kiryat Shmona, Tel Hai, Kfar Giladi, Beit Hillel, Ma’ayan Baruch, and many other settlements along the confrontation line.

Due to the heavy barrage and the hot weather, fires have broken out in the Hula Valley area. Firefighters from the Northern District Fire and Rescue Services are actively working to extinguish the blazes.

The heavy rocket fire continues, with the latest barrages targeting Kiryat Shmona, the settlements of the Finger of the Galilee, and the Ramim Ridge. Several rocket impacts have been identified in open areas between Kiryat Shmona and Beit Hillel, with some falling very close to the northern section of Highway 90.

This escalation follows a relatively “quiet” period over the past few days, during which few sirens were activated in northern communities, some of which were false alarms. Today, however, Hezbollah’s rate of fire has resumed with renewed intensity, including both rocket and drone launches toward northern Israel.

Meanwhile, residents in Teveria have reported intercepts in the city’s skies without any sirens being triggered. Additionally, there have been reports of an intercept over the Golani junction.

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