Tragedy in Beit Shemesh: 2-Year-Old Girl, A”h, Dies After Being Left in Hot Car

By Aryeh Stern

An MDA ambulance at Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Yerushalayim. (Noam Revkin Fenton/Flash90)

A two-year-old girl, a”h, tragically passed away Wednesday afternoon after being left in a car for “a long time” in Beit Shemesh, according to Magen David Adom emergency services.

Temperatures in Israel were unseasonably high Wednesday, exacerbating the situation’s severity.

The little girl had been left for an extended period in a closed car on Rabbi Brachya Street in Ramat Beit Shemesh Daled.

Emergency medics Menachem Edri and Shalom Shasha described the scene: “We arrived and saw a two-year-old girl unconscious with signs of heat stroke. She was very warm when we touched her. We gave her immediate medical treatment, including cooling and advanced resuscitation, and evacuated her in an MDA intensive care ambulance to the hospital in critical condition.”

Despite their efforts, the girl’s life could not be saved, and she passed away in Yerushalayim’s Shaare Zedek Medical Center.

According to the Beterem child safety advocacy group, between 2010 and 2020, 35 children in Israel died from being forgotten or trapped in vehicles out of over 800 recorded incidents.

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