Israeli Restaurant in Chelsea Vandalized With Graffiti, Swastika

By Hamodia Staff

NEW YORK — The NYPD has released surveillance images of four masked vandals who drew a swastika and sprayed anti-Israel graffiti earlier this month on an Israeli restaurant in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood.

Shortly after midnight on May 6, the four individuals spray painted “Zionism Out” in red paint on the exterior of the restaurant located at 8th Avenue and West 19th Street. They proceeded to draw a swastika and place stickers on the door of the establishment stating, “The River,” “The Sea,” and “No Zionist Scum in NYC.”

The NYPD’s Hate Crime Task Force is investigating this incident.

Hate crimes against Jews have soared since the October 7th terror attack by Hamas in Israel. Complaints of antisemitic hate crimes last month were double the number of April 2023 (32 vs. 16). From the beginning of the year through the end of April, there was a 48% spike compared to the same period last year (111 vs. 75).

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