Hamas Terrorists Involved in Oct. 7 Attack Killed in IDF Airstrike


IDF Chief of the General Staff Herzi Halevi with IDF commanders who participated in the operation to rescue the bodies of four hostages and return them for burial in Israel, in Jabaliya. (IDF Spokesperson)

A Hamas terrorist involved in the Oct. 7 attack was killed in an airstrike in the Gaza Strip, the IDF reported Wednesday.

Before the strike on Ahmed Yasser al-Qara, a “prominent” member of Hamas’s anti-tank unit, a child was seen near the building. The IDF delayed the strike until the child was safely away from the target.

The IDF stated that al-Qara was responsible for several attempted attacks on Israeli troops in the Gaza Strip during the conflict.

Additionally, two other terror operatives were killed alongside al-Qara: Suhaib Ra’ed Abu Riba, a member of Hamas’s elite Nukhba force, and Anas Muhammad Abu Rajileh, an operative of Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

In a separate airstrike, five Hamas terrorists were killed at a school in the Daraj and Tuffah neighborhoods of Gaza City. The IDF identified them as Fadi Salim, head of the propaganda unit in Hamas’s Gaza City Brigade, three members of Hamas’s intelligence unit, and another Nukhba member.

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