BD”E: Yisrael Yudkin, Hy”d, From Kfar Chabad Falls in Gaza Combat

By Hamodia Staff

It was cleared for publication Wednesday afternoon that Yisrael Yudkin, Hy”d, from Kfar Chabad, a deputy commander in the Netzach Yehuda battalion, fell in heavy fighting in Jabalyia, Gaza, overnight Tuesday.

He was the son of, lhbch”l, Rabbi Tuvia and Tzipi Yudkin from Kfar Chabad and one of eight siblings.

Rabbi Tuvia and one of the brothers are abroad, and on their way back to Israel for the levayah.

Rabbi Tuvia recently sat shivah after the passing of his father, Rabbi Shneur Zalman, z”l, in Crown Heights and had not yet returned to Israel.

One of the brothers is in Europe and is expected to arrive to participate in the levayah.

They will sit shivah at their home in Kfar Chabad.

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