Ahead of Lag BaOmer, IDF Officially Closes Meron Area

By Hamodia Staff

Police block the entrance to Meron, ahead of Lag Baomer, on Wednesday. (David Cohen/Flash90)

The IDF has announced that the order restricting access to Meron during the Lag BaOmer period was signed overnight Tuesday by the Home Front Command’s chief, and will remain in effect until Monday at noon.

Following previous announcements, the IDF officially released the commander’s order to close the Meron area due to the current security situation.

The Home Front Command clarifies that entry to the Meron area is strictly prohibited and urges the public to remain vigilant and not enter the area. “Any entry into the closed area must be with permits granted by law. Unauthorized entry endangers public safety and human lives,” the statement said.

According to the law passed Tuesday night, there will be only three lighting events at different times: a central lighting event at the Rashbi tziyun complex, and two others at the Bnei Akiva complex.

Additionally, the law proposes restrictions on entry and presence in the entire Meron complex, requiring a permit for being in the complex. Entry and presence at the Rashbi tziyun complex and the Bnei Akiva complex during Lag BaOmer will be limited to 30 people at any given time, who will receive special permits.

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