IDF Engaged in Anti-Terror Operation in Jenin, Targeted Strikes in Lebanon

Site of the elimination of Qassem Saqallawi, head of Hezbollah’s rocket and missile array in the coastal region. (IDF X)

Israeli security forces began a large-scale anti-terror operation Tuesday morning in the Jenin refugee camp in the northern region of Menashe. The Palestinian Health Ministry reported seven killed and nine injured so far in the intense exchanges of fire between Israeli forces and terrorists.

Hundreds of Israeli troops poured into the Jenin refugee camp Tuesday with a mission to strike Palestinian terror networks. Ground forces engaged in heavy exchanges of fire, with the IDF reporting over 15 terrorists hit.

Against the backdrop of the clashes raging in Jenin camp, Palestinian sources said Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists engaged in gun battles with Israeli troops. Footage showed military vehicles and bulldozers heading toward the area.

One of the Palestinians killed was identified as Dr. Kamal Jabareen, who was on his way to the hospital in Jenin when he was caught in the crossfire. The Jabareen family is prominent in the West Bank, and senior Hamas member Zahar Jabareen belongs to the same clan.

The raid marks Day 228 of the war.

The IDF stated that two reserve soldiers were seriously wounded in fighting in Gaza overnight. Sirens sounded in several Israeli communities due to rocket fire from Gaza, though no injuries were reported.

In a separate incident, the Israeli Air Force carried out a targeted strike in Lebanon, killing Qassem Saqallawi, the head of Hezbollah’s rocket and missile array in the coastal region. Saqallawi was responsible for planning and executing rocket launches toward Israeli civilian areas.

According to the U.S. Central Command, over 569 tons of humanitarian aid have been transferred to Gaza via the new pier in recent days.

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