IDF Continue Intense Combat Operations in Gaza


(IDF Spokesperson)

The IDF spokesperson reported that forces continue to fight in Jabalia. The Paratroopers Brigade and Brigade 460 continue to operate in the area, and eliminated several terrorists in the last 24 hours. Forces from Brigade 7 directed Air Force aircraft that attacked and eliminated a terrorist squad that fired at the forces.

Division 162 forces continue to fight in Rafah. Givati Brigade forces identified a terrorist who fired mortars at the forces, with no injuries reported. The forces directed an aircraft that attacked and eliminated the terrorist.

Combat teams from Brigade 401 eliminated several terrorists, in joint operations with Air Force forces, and also located rockets and combat equipment in the area.

Division 99 forces continue to operate in the central part of the Gaza Strip. Combat teams from Brigade 679 identified a terrorist squad moving toward the forces. The terrorists were eliminated with an aerial attack.

During the last 24 hours, Air Force aircraft and fighter jets attacked and destroyed about 70 terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip. Among the targets were military buildings, weapons storage and manufacturing sites, rocket launchers, observation posts, terrorist squads, and other military infrastructure.

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