Gallant Decries ICC’s ‘Drawing Despicable Parallels’

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant delivers a statement to the press at the Kirya base in Tel Aviv, May 15. (Tomer Neuberg/Flash90)

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant described a request by the International Criminal Court prosecutor for arrest warrants against him and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, as well as three Hamas leaders, as drawing a “despicable” parallel, saying it was an attempt to deny Israel the right to defend itself.

“Since October 7, the State of Israel is fighting against a brutal terrorist organization, Hamas — an enemy that conducted atrocities against Israeli children, women, and men. Now, it also uses its own people as human shields,” Gallant said in a statement, his first public comment since the announcement.

“The IDF is fighting in accordance with international law, while taking unprecedented measures to facilitate humanitarian aid,” Gallant said, noting that he takes pride in the country’s soldiers and their conduct.

“The attempt made by the ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan to overturn things will not succeed — the parallel he has drawn between the Hamas terrorist organization and the State of Israel is despicable,” he said.

“The State of Israel is not a party to the Court and does not recognize its authority,” Gallant said.

Khan’s announcement deepens Israel’s isolation as its war and the threat of arrest could make it difficult for the Israeli leaders to travel abroad.

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