Weapons Discovered in UNRWA Facility in Gaza

By Yoni Weiss

View of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) offices in the east Yerushalayim neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, Jan. 30. (Jamal Awad/Flash90)

Israeli soldiers combating Hamas in northern Gaza uncovered weapons stored inside a UN facility, the IDF reported on Monday.

Operating in the Jabalya area, Israeli forces engaged in close-quarters combat, killing several Hamas terrorists. Additionally, Israeli aircraft neutralized a Hamas squad that had fired an anti-tank missile at troops and another squad armed with rocket-propelled grenades en route to attack soldiers.

During these operations, soldiers discovered weapons within a UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) facility in Jabalya. The IDF did not specify the quantity or types of weapons found.

UNRWA, responsible for aiding Palestinian refugees, has faced intense scrutiny for months. Israeli officials have called for the agency to be defunded and stripped of its authority in Gaza following revelations that some of its staff participated in Hamas’s Oct. 7 attacks. Israel’s largest bank froze UNRWA’s account in February due to suspicious financial transfers that the agency could not adequately explain. Furthermore, Israeli forces uncovered a Hamas complex directly beneath UNRWA’s Gaza City headquarters, with Hamas computer servers connected to UNRWA’s electricity system.

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