ICC Prosecutor Calls for Arrest Warrants for Netanyahu, Gallant, and Hamas Leaders

By Yoni Weiss

The entrance of the International Criminal Court (ICC) is seen in The Hague. (REUTERS/Jerry Lampen/File Photo)

In an unprecedented and highly controversial move, Karim Khan, the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), on Monday announced that he has requested arrest warrants for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. Khan stated that the charges include “causing extermination, causing starvation as a method of war, including the denial of humanitarian relief supplies, and deliberately targeting civilians in conflict.”

Khan also revealed that he is seeking arrest warrants for three senior Hamas leaders: Yahya Sinwar, Mohammad Deif, and Ismail Haniyeh. He stated, “Today we have applied for warrants to the pretrial chamber of the International Criminal Court in relation to three individuals who are Hamas members,” listing Sinwar, Deif, and Haniyeh. They are to be charged with crimes such as extermination, murder, hostage-taking, and assault in detention.

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