Report: IDF Targeted Strike in Southern Lebanon Leaves 2 Dead

By Yoni Weiss

Smoke rises from the side of the road after rockets fired from Lebanon hit an open area in the Golan Heights, Thursday. (David Cohen/Flash90)

Israeli-Lebanese tensions escalated on Thursday with reports of at least two fatalities in what appeared to be a targeted killing by Israel, as reported by Lebanese media. A vehicle in Metullah was directly hit by fire from Hezbollah.

According to al-Manar, a media outlet affiliated with Hezbollah, a drone launched missiles at a car near a gathering ahead of the funeral procession for Hussein Ibrahim Makki, a senior Hezbollah commander killed in an earlier Israeli strike. Further Israeli strikes were reported in South Lebanon and northern Lebanon.

Earlier, Hezbollah launched rockets, missiles, and drones at the Galilee and Golan Heights regions, purportedly targeting military installations. Sirens blared along the Israel-Lebanon border, and fires erupted on the Golan Heights due to the interception of incoming projectiles by aerial defense systems.

On Wednesday, a Hezbollah drone struck a sensitive military site near Teveria, marking the furthest southward attack across the border. The IDF is assessing the damage to the site, which housed surveillance balloons.

In response, the IDF targeted a Hezbollah missile production site in Baalbek, 100 kilometers (62 miles) north of the border.

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