Protesting Students at Princeton University Terminate Hunger Strike

By Hamodia Staff

(Courtesy of Achinthya Sivalingam)

Students at Princeton University protesting Israel’s war against Hamas terrorists in Gaza have terminated their initial “hunger strike wave” after just 10 days, citing health concerns. The Princeton Divest Now group, which has been urging the prestigious New Jersey institution to divest from America’s Middle Eastern ally due to the civilian death toll in the Gaza Strip, announced the end of the first strike phase.

“Due to health concerns of the 13 strikers who fasted for 10 days, the first hunger strike wave ended, and the second wave has begun,” the group stated in a social media post. “In the tradition of rotary strikes, seven new strikers are indefinitely fasting for a free Palestine.”

The decision to halt the first strike wave comes after participants had initially vowed not to consume food or drink “until our demands are met.” In a May 3 post, the group declared, “Participants will abstain from all food and drink [except water] until our demands are met. We commit our bodies to the liberation of Palestine. Princeton, hear us now! We will not be moved!”

The demands outlined were: “Meet with students to discuss their demands for disclosure, divestment, and a full academic and cultural boycott of Israel; grant complete amnesty from all criminal and disciplinary charges for participants of the peaceful sit-in. Reverse all campus bans and evictions of students.”

While the student protesters endured a 10-day strike, Princeton faculty also participated in a 24-hour hunger strike that commenced on Friday morning and concluded on Saturday. “Our daylong solidarity fast is meant to emphasize the efforts of our students who are undertaking this strike, putting their bodies on the line to show their solidarity with the Palestinian people of Gaza and the West Bank, who are being subjected to a forced famine and a genocidal assault by the state of Israel,” a faculty member stated at a press conference on Friday. The brevity of the faculty’s 24-hour strike drew mockery on social media, with many likening it to intermittent fasting, a dietary trend involving extended periods without food.

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