Ministry of Religious Services to Fund Lag BaOmer Events Across Israel

By Hamodia Staff

A medurah seen last Lag Baomer in Bnei Brak. (Omer Fichman/Flash90)

Minister of Religious Services Michael Malkieli and the ministry’s director general Yehuda Avidan, along with Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich, have agreed to allocate funds for Lag BaOmer events nationwide in lieu of the traditional celebration in Meron, which has been canceled due to security concerns.

A national tender will soon be issued, allowing religious councils across the country to request funding for Lag BaOmer events.

The initiative ensures the continuation of the annual tradition of Lag BaOmer celebrations. Additionally, the Ministry has organized festivities at the kever of Shimon Hatzadik in Yerushalayim, featuring orchestral accompaniment and guest reception areas, expecting thousands of attendees throughout the day.

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