Israeli Tanks Advance Deeper Into Eastern Rafah

By Yoni Weiss

Palestinians walk through a makeshift tent camp in Rafah, Gaza, Friday. (AP Photo/Abdel Kareem Hana)

Israeli tanks advanced further into eastern Rafah on Tuesday morning, penetrating the districts of Al-Jneina, Al-Salam, and Al-Brazil, according to residents.

Residents reported, “The tanks moved forward this morning towards the west of Salahuddin Road, entering the neighborhoods of Brazil and Jneina. They are now navigating the streets within the urban area, and clashes have erupted,” one resident informed Reuters.

Videos circulating on social media depicted a tank positioned on George Street in the Al-Jneina neighborhood.

Meanwhile, speaking at an economic forum in Doha on Tuesday, Qatar’s Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani remarked that ceasefire negotiations for Gaza have hit an impasse, attributing the setback to Israel’s operations in Rafah.

Al-Thani, whose nation has played a significant mediation role between Hamas and Israel during the seven-month conflict, pledged Qatar’s continued engagement.

Simultaneously, the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) disclosed on Tuesday that an estimated 450,000 individuals have been displaced from Rafah since May 6, when IDF entered the eastern sector of the city.

UNRWA emphasized the dire conditions faced by these displaced individuals, including ongoing exhaustion, hunger, and fear, stressing that nowhere feels secure. The agency urged an immediate ceasefire as the sole beacon of hope.

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