Trump Voices Support for Israel at NJ Rally

By Hamodia Staff

Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in Wildwood, N.J., May 11. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

At a rally in New Jersey on Saturday, attended by approximately 100,000, former President Donald Trump expressed his backing for “Israel’s right to win its war on terror.”

He asserted that the Oct. 7 attack would not have occurred under his presidency. Trump also addressed pro-Palestinian protests on American college campuses, promising stringent action against violent radicals. He vowed to deport individuals attempting to promote jihadism, anti-Americanism, or antisemitism on campus if he were to return to office.

Additionally, Trump called on President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party to refund donations from antisemites, America haters, and backers of campus chaos. He criticized Biden’s decision to halt arms shipments to Israel amid its fight against Hamas in Gaza, emphasizing his support for Israel’s war against terrorism.

Trump lambasted Biden, labeling him as “the worst president ever” and criticizing his leadership.

Despite New Jersey not being a typical battleground state, Trump’s rally near Pennsylvania indicated his intention to broaden the electoral map. He expressed confidence in his ability to win New Jersey and attract supporters from traditionally Democratic states to his movement, which he described as based on “love, intelligence, and common sense.”

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