Expanded Clemency Program for Soldiers and Victims Released

By Aryeh Stern

President Yitzchak Herzog with Minister Yariv Levin. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

President Yitzchak Herzog and Justice Minister Yariv Levin on Sunday released a special and expanded program of pardons and clemencies ahead of Independence Day. This program aims to recognize the contributions of soldiers, reserve soldiers, and individuals involved in Israel’s security efforts, as well as those affected by the attacks of Oct. 7 and the ongoing war.

Under this initiative, individuals serving prison sentences may be eligible for sentence reduction if they meet specific criteria. This includes having already served half of their sentence and having a first-degree relative who was killed or affected by the Oct. 7 terror attacks or the current war, among other circumstances. However, individuals who have harmed state security or fall under the jurisdiction of military courts are not eligible for clemency.

Additionally, reserve soldiers who served for a minimum of 90 days during the current war, received a sentence of no more than 18 months in prison, and have completed five years since their release may apply to have their criminal records expunged. Exclusions apply for certain serious offenses.

Furthermore, an existing program to reduce fines for IDF soldiers, reservists, bereaved families, families of hostages, and individuals affected by the conflict will continue until May 1, 2025.

Herzog emphasized the significance of this initiative in light of the challenges faced by Israel, particularly since Oct. 7.

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