Two Terrorists Who Perpetrated Ramming Attack in Yerushalayim Are Caught

By Hamodia Staff

Two terrorists who carried out a ramming attack on Techeilet Mordechai Street in the Romema neighborhood of Yerushalayim on the morning of Erev Pesach have been caught and taken into custody.

The attack took place during the time when many were on their way to burn their chametz on Erev Pesach, and three pedestrians, one on Techeilet Mordechai Street and the other two on Yirmiyahu Street, were slightly injured.

The terrorists exited their vehicle after ramming the pedestrians and withdrew weapons, intending to inflict more harm, but b’chasdei Hashem their gun did not fire. They fled the scene, and a massive manhunt was carried out by security forces.

A civilian reported to security forces that they observed two youths entering a building. during a search of the building, the forces noticed a door of a furniture store ajar, and as they began their search of the store, one of the terrorists threw a knife in the direction of the officers. They were quickly apprehended, and taken in for questioning.

The building in which the terrorists were captured houses the offices of Hamodia’s Israeli bureau.

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