Preparations and Schedule for the Kosel on Pesach

(Ministry of Jerusalem and Israel’s Tradition)

By Hamodia Staff

In preparation for the expected thousands of visitors to the Kosel on Pesach, the Western Wall Heritage Foundation released the schedule for events and the preparations to welcome the throngs of expected visitors.

The traditional Birchas Kohanim will be held on Thursday of Chol Hamoed, 17 Nissan, and thousands are expected to attend on that morning.

Shacharis for the event will begin 8:45 a.m., with Birchas Kohanim of Shacharis scheduled for 9:15 a.m. Mussaf is scheduled for 10:15 a.m., with Birchas Kohanim of Mussaf scheduled for 10:30 a.m.

Tefillos for the return of the hostages, for the welfare of the soldiers and security forces, for the healing of the wounded and for peace for the nation of Israel will take place following Mussaf at 10:45 a.m.

At the event, perakim of thanks and praise to Hashem for His kindness and for the miracles that happen to the people who live in Eretz Yisrael will be recited.

As part of a special project by the Ministry of Jerusalem and Israel’s Tradition, a huge, air-conditioned tent has been erected in the square of the Churvah Shul to accommodate the visitors to Yerushalayim, with hot and cold drinks, food which is kosher l’Pesach l’mehadrin. In addition, a tent for mothers and their infants will be set up to serve the families.

The usual kiddush rabbah and seudah shlishis that is served each Shabbos will not take place during Pesach.

The entrances to the Old City and the Kosel will be closed if there is congestion.

Restricting the crowd is the responsibility of the Israeli Police and the instructions of the police must be obeyed.

The public is requested to obey the instructions of the ushers for the safety of the patrons of the Kosel.

Please check back daily to view the updates of the schedules.

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