NIS 29M of Hamas Funds Transferred to National Treasury

By Yoni Weiss

On Thursday, the Defense Ministry moved NIS 29 million ($7.6 million) belonging to Hamas, which were seized by soldiers in the Gaza Strip, into the state treasury at the Bank of Israel. The funds were collected in various currencies, including shekels, dollars, and other Arab currencies, from Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad strongholds, as well as from the residences of their operatives and associated money changers.

The funds were located and confiscated by the loot removal unit of the technology and logistics department during military operations in Gaza. They were then transported to the Tzrifin army base near Rishon LeTzion, where the Defense Ministry’s finance division spent five hours counting the money. Subsequently, the cash was securely delivered by armored truck to the Bank of Israel and deposited into the state’s coffers.

This deposit increases the total amount of confiscated funds transferred to the state to approximately NIS 46 million ($12.3 million). The counting and depositing of additional seized funds are ongoing.

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