Met Council Hosts Over 230 Pre-Pesach Distributions

By Hamodia Staff

Met Council’s distribution in partnership with Flatbush Community Fund, April 10.

The Met Council has organized over 230 pre-Pesach distribution events in New York City, Westchester, Albany, Connecticut, and northern New Jersey, as inflation remains high and Jewish families struggle to purchase supplies needed for the holiday.

“Passover is already the most expensive time of year for Jewish families, especially those who are already financially struggling, as the holiday’s customs require essentially a full changeover to kosher-for-Passover foods for pantry staples, special foods, and other holiday essentials,” said Met Council CEO David G. Greenfield. “For too many people this comes at a time of continued increases in rent, fuel and other basic expenses creating a greater struggle now more than ever before.”

Distributed provisions matzah, chicken, gefilte fish, eggs, tuna, apple juice, grape juice, applesauce, chopped walnuts, macaroons, matzah meal, matzah brei mix, oil, potato starch, sugar and produce.

In addition to the food distributions, Met Council has already distributed nearly $500,000 worth of emergency food cards to help thousands of low-income families mark the holiday with dignity. Many of these families also have young children.

Met Council’s distribution in partnership with Flatbush Community Fund, April 10.
Met Council’s Boro Park Chessed Center’s Distribution, April 16.

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