Pinsk-Karlin Rebbe, Shlita, to Undergo Surgery; Community Davens for His Recovery

By Hamodia Staff

The Pinsk-Karlin Rebbe, shlita. (David Cohen/Flash90)

Tefillos are being held in the Pinsk-Karlin community, due to the surgery that the Pinsk-Karlin Rebbe, shlita, will undergo Monday for internal bleeding near the brain, discovered after a series of comprehensive tests.

A few weeks ago, the Rebbe fell, and the Rebbe has been weak in recent weeks, did not receive the public, and took time for a brief rest. The Rebbe underwent a series of comprehensive tests, and the worrying diagnosis was received Sunday. On Monday, he will undergo the medical procedure.

The Chassidim were called to increase in tefillos for the complete recovery of the Rebbe.

The public is called to daven for the Rebbe, Harav Aryeh Leib ben Yocheved Minshe, for a refuah sheleimah among she’ar cholei Yisrael.

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