Iran Launches Over 300 Drones and Missiles; 99% Were Intercepted

By Yoni Weiss

An anti-missile system fires interception missiles at drones and missiles fired from Iran, as seen over Tel Aviv, early Sunday. (Tomer Neuberg/Flash90)

The IDF reported Sunday that out of the 320-plus drones and missiles launched by Iran, 99% were successfully intercepted. IDF spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari emphasized this as a substantial strategic victory. He detailed that the intercepted threats included roughly 170 unmanned aerial vehicles and 30 cruise missiles, none of which breached Israeli airspace. The majority of these UAVs were neutralized by American, British, and Jordanian forces, while French aircraft supported Israel’s defensive efforts, though specific details on their interceptions are not available. Israeli fighter jets also took down several cruise missiles.

Out of the over 120 ballistic missiles aimed at Israel, only a few reached Israeli soil, specifically striking the Nevatim Air Force base, which remains operational. The IDF showcased the resilience of the base with footage of active aircraft.

Israel employs a robust, multi-layered air defense system, which includes the advanced Arrow-3 system capable of intercepting missiles even in space. The Arrow-3 system recently made headlines with its first successful interception of a Houthi ballistic missile, possibly marking the first time a missile was intercepted outside Earth’s atmosphere. This technological milestone has attracted international interest, leading to Germany initiating a purchase of the Arrow-3 system.

Amid these defensive actions, widespread alarm was raised as sirens sounded across Yerushalayim, northern Israel, and the Negev, prompting residents to seek shelter. The IDF explained that the sirens were due to the high-altitude interceptions of ballistic missiles, which can scatter debris over extensive areas.

This aggressive exchange follows Iran’s vow to retaliate for an airstrike on its embassy compound in Damascus on April 1, which resulted in the deaths of Quds Force commander Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi and seven other officers of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Although the airstrike was widely attributed to Israel, official confirmation from Yerushalayim has not been forthcoming.

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