European Parliament Censures UNRWA and PA for Antisemitism and Incitement

By Yoni Weiss

The European Parliament voted on Thursday to censure the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and the Palestinian Authority over their educational content, linking it to fostering hate and violence. The decision came in the wake of the October 7 massacre by Hamas and subsequent war in Gaza, with Parliament highlighting the severe consequences of “educating to hate.”

The adopted resolution calls for an immediate freeze on EU funding for Palestinian education until the materials are purged of antisemitism and incitement to violence. It emphasizes that future funding should comply strictly with UNESCO’s standards for promoting peace and tolerance and includes stringent monitoring conditions to ensure compliance.

Furthermore, the resolution suggests reallocating funds from UNRWA to more reliable organizations such as the World Health Organization and UNICEF, citing reports of UNRWA staff affiliations with Hamas, particularly in relation to the Oct. 7 attacks.

Notably, this year’s condemnation originated from the centrist Renew Europe party rather than right-wing groups, which broadened its support across the political spectrum. This marks the fifth consecutive year the European Parliament has denounced Palestinian educational practices for misusing EU funds to promote violence and antisemitism.

The decision was informed by research from IMPACT-se, which documented evidence of ongoing incitement in Gaza schools and indicated that over 100 UNRWA school graduates had joined Hamas’s military wing and participated in violent acts against Israelis. In response, Catherine Colonna, head of the UN Review Group, has requested materials from IMPACT-se for a forthcoming report on UNRWA’s conduct, expected by April 20.

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