Israel Cancels School, Bolsters Defenses in Anticipation of Iranian Attack

By Yoni Weiss

Iranian demonstrators burn representations of the U.S. and Israeli flags during an annual rally to mark Quds Day, or Jerusalem Day, in support of Palestinians, in Tehran, April 5. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

Israel has canceled school and suspended all extracurricular educational activities as the IDF maintains a high state of alert in anticipation of a potential attack from Iran. The IDF has deployed numerous aircraft in a defensive posture.

“Effective from tomorrow morning and for the coming days, all educational institutions, camps, and scheduled trips will be halted,” IDF spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari announced in a video statement on Motzoei Shabbos.

The situation will be reviewed at 6 a.m., Hagari added, urging Israeli citizens to remain vigilant, seek shelter immediately upon hearing warning sirens, and stay there for at least 10 minutes.

“We are committed to taking every necessary measure to protect your safety,” Hagari said.

“Since the conflict began, we have countered various threats posed by Iranian proxies and have adapted our defense and offensive strategies accordingly,” he continued, emphasizing that the IDF was “fully prepared.”

“Our air force’s defensive and offensive units are on high alert, with numerous aircraft currently patrolling the skies. We are also in continuous strategic discussions with our allies, primarily led by the U.S.A., and are coordinating closely with them,” he said.

Meanwhile, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant was conducting a strategic evaluation with IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi and other top defense officials.

Gallant noted that the IDF is “actively monitoring a potential attack orchestrated by Iran and its affiliates against Israel.”

“We have enhanced our capabilities across various domains — on land, in the air, at sea, within our intelligence services, both domestically and in collaboration with our allies, especially the United States,” Gallant declared.

“Iran is a terrorist state, and its true nature is now more apparent to the world than ever,” he stated.

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